Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So, I'm sitting in the airport in Hong Kong, alive and well! The 20 hour flight was not as bad as I had originally thought.. We flew out of JFK at 11 pm on September 8th, and after a 20 hour and 20 minute flight, are currently sitting in the airport terminal awaiting our flight to Saigon. I slept for a bit on the flight, watched many movies (MARJORIE AND SAM, I GOT TO WATCH STAR TREK!!!) and played Trivia. Among other movement about the cabin in which we bothered various other passengers and played with beautiful little Asian children as we were waiting in line for the bathroom. The weird thing is, the time difference in Hong Kong is exactly 12 hours ahead of the time zone at home.. So right now it is about 8 am. But, Saigon is an hour behind that (or 11 hours ahead of home) and is just beginning its day at around 7 am. My jet lag is going to be killer. Thank god for Ambien, right?

Flying over the small islands off the coast of Japan and China was incredible though! And watching a sunrise like the one I saw as we were flying over Taipai and the coast of China was like nothing I had ever seen. At one point, during our descent, we even saw the tips of mountains on the Chinese coast peaking through the clouds. It was like there was a heaven.

Speaking of heaven, had an interesting spiritual experience in the bathroom at JFK (hold your laughter please...) Kelsey, Brittany and I were headed in to the bathroom and just gushing about how excited we were, when I commented on a woman's over the shoulder bag who was unloading her life on the counter by the sink. We all began chatting, and we learned that her name was JoAnne, and that she was heading on safari, by herself, to about 5 different countries in Africa for 3 weeks. She asked where we were going, and was so excited to hear that we were traveling to Vietnam together, and gushed about what an experience it was going to be. She left us with a very interesting quote... She told the three of us girls to "Leave vanity behind and just go." Thought it was a really interesting way to start out the trip. Leave vanity behind.. Thanks JoAnne. That we will do.

Mom, Dad, Grandma, etc. I'm safe. Don't fret!!

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Map of Vietnam

Map of Vietnam